USWDS Screener Prototyping Tool

Client: HHS

Agency: Bixal


A customizable form for prototyping a screener experience using the U.S. Web Design System and GitHub Pages. The template can be copied and modified without any installs or local builds. Low code - A tool/form creating during my time at Bixal. Built with accessibility in mind, it includes common USWDS Components, jekyll, HTML/CSS, markdown and github. We conducted a series of user testing on to help us produce new iterations.

Process in detail:

We began by analyzing the current HIPAA comlaint tool. After naturally concluding it needs a major facelift, we decided to rebuild the tool using github and USWDS components. Components used: Accordian, loader, a modified step indicator, buttons, and radion button questions. The screener has a few different pathways. Each pathway sequence leads you to a straighforward and logical respond regarding your type of violation. You are either eligble to file a complaint or ineligble. Point blank.

As a team of 3, we split up the tasks in sprints. Once we completed the wireframing process in figma, we moved on to developing the tool using github, visual studio code on our test environment and MD. We made sure to push a branch once all changes have been approved unanimously.